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On the left is a picture of Newton's Method being applied to the function f(x) = cos(x) to approximate one of its zeroes.  The initial guess was xo = 0.5.  Click on the picture to see an animation.
Click here to see an animation of the Mean Value Theorem being applied to a quadratic function and click here to see it applied to a cubic function.  Click on the image on the left to see an animation of that image.
Click on the picture on the right to see an animation relating the sign of the second derivative to the changing value of the first derivative.  Click here to see a graph drawn in blue where it is concave up and red where it is concave down along with animated "+" and "-" signs indicating the sign of the second derivative.

Click on the picture for an animation.

Click on the picture for an animation.

Area under a curve using rectangles and a left approximation.  Click on the picture on the left to see an animation.

Lawn Sprinkler

Here is an example of the lawn sprinkler problem found in the exercises for Section 3.1.  In this example the speed of the water is 16 ft/sec so the distance the water travels horizontally is given by


and the path the water takes through the air is given by


Click here to see an animation for this problem and click here for an animation with scales.  Can you see the answer to the questions posed in the text and can you support your answer analytically?

Imagine a teeter totter (red) that is 4 meters long and sqrt(2) meters above the ground at its center (where it is supported--green support).  Initially the teeter totter is at a angle of 45o below the horizontal (in blue).  The motion of the teeter totter is such that on its first rotation upward it goes through an angle of (17/18)(90) = 85o.  On its subsequent rotation downward it passes through an angle of (17/18)(17/18)(90) degrees.  On its next rotation upward it passes through an angle of (17/18)(17/18)(17/18)(90) degrees.  This pattern continues indefinitely.  What is the limit to the distance traveled by a point on the extreme tip of the teeter totter?  Click here to see an animation.  The animation goes through a few rotations of the teeter totter.  It is not designed to be completely accurate but should give you a rough idea of what is happening.
The plane would be descending at the most rapid rate at the point on the path where f '(x) (which is negative) is a minimum, i.e., where the absolute value of f '(x) is a maximum.  This would occur at the point where the derivative of f '(x) is zero, i.e., at the point where f "(x) = 0 which is the inflection point (-2,1/2).  The article "How Not to Land at Lake Tahoe!" can be read by following the Matharticles link below and looking under chapter three.

Here are some animations and a link to learn more:

The tangents to the plane's path
The plane pointing in the direction of the tangent
The plane level
The plane level, no graph
The graph below shows position (not distance traveled) as a function of time.  Click here or on the picture to see a linear motion animation.

Ln(x) animation  In the animation y = ln(x) (in purple) and y = 1/x (in blue) are graphed in the same coordinate system.  Coordinated blue animated points are moving along the graph of each.  There is a vertical blue line segment extending from the point (1,0) to the point (1,1).  There is an animated vertical line segment coordinated with the two animated points (i.e., same value for x).  The area between the x-axis, the vertical blue line segment, the graph of y = 1/x, and the animated vertical line segment represents the absolute value of ln(x) where x is the x value along the animated line segment.  The value of ln(x) will be negative where the animated line segment is red and positive where the animated line segment is green.  I will go over this in class.  Quicktime animation





Dancing Circles is an animation consisting of eight small circles traveling around the four limacons pictured below, two circles traveling on each limacon.  The centers of the circles follow the paths given parametrically at the right.  The centers always remain in a straight line.  Dance Line of Circles is the same animation with the addition of the rotating straight line through the centers of the circles and also a small black circle at the origin that does not move










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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats